• "The Matter Of Who We Are Always Precedes What We Do"

    “Thus, sin is not essentially an action but rather an identity. Sin is a fundamental stance of wanting to be what we are not. Sin is thus an orientation to falsity, a basic lie concerning our own deepest reality.”

    James Finley

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Charles Hoffman Charles Hoffman

Shelter of His Wings

Exegesis on Psalm 91

Psalm 91 spells out a world we are either prepared for or will destroy us. Are we walking into battle, unable to ward off the enemy with no weapons? The New Testament (NT) also warns us of the difficulties we will face. We’re told of the principalities and powers we will encounter. And of the thief that comes to steal, kill, and destroy.

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Charles Hoffman Charles Hoffman

Novus Theos, no. 6

The Way, the Truth, the Life

In an earlier conversation today with a friend, I stated how we are neurologically compromised; we are clearly at a disadvantage as postmoderns. We are not doing well as a people, we Westerners. Our culture was created for us to influence the way we operate and behave.

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Charles Hoffman Charles Hoffman


In this story, the son is a rebellious man. His actions and words clearly show where his heart is and what it represents. And it would also indicate the kind of people he has surrounded himself with during his formative years.

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Charles Hoffman Charles Hoffman

Pillars of the New Financial System

A Brief on the Transition to the Interledger Protocol

Currently, we are seeing a transition at play with new technologies being developed and put in place to replace the age-old Swift system we now use to move value and make payments across borders. Commonly referred to as Decentralized Finance, DEFI will drive down the cost of payments and settle transactions within seconds, increasing the velocity of money tremendously.

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Charles Hoffman Charles Hoffman

Novus Theos, no. 5

The Salvation Paradox

Our Messiah, Yeshua, whose name in Hebrew means to restore, clearly stated in the Temple at the beginning of his ministry that his mission was to save and restore as many of us as possible and preach salvation. His salvation message clearly stated that he would heal and restore us to health, bring us to an abundant life, and restore our relationship with God.

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Charles Hoffman Charles Hoffman

Novus Theos, no. 4

Holy Spirit, Revival

For decades we heard the cry from the pulpit of many denominations calling for a revival. It is evident that they either didn't understand the theology of the bible very well or their ontology was using the "bad" theology to drive a narrative, false narrative, to mesmerize their congregations and feed on their trauma-based, addictive behaviors and make much money in the process, tax-free.

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Charles Hoffman Charles Hoffman

Musings for June 5th, 2023

Personality leaks out but is not a constant. Most everyone I've ever known is in bondage to shame and emotional pain. And we never get to know the authentic self, the personality, because of it. And therefore, a relationship is rarely established with the person. This happens to most people we know. They go to the grave having no idea who they are. How sad!

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Charles Hoffman Charles Hoffman


Personality is God's gift to you, says Berdyav. He tells us that “personality is self-constructive, is the ideal of a man, is your soul.”

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Charles Hoffman Charles Hoffman

Novus Theos, no. 3

The Principalities, Powers, and Rulers

Yeshua reminded us in the gospel of John, Chapter 10, what these combatants are really up to. They have a simple agenda: to steal, kill and destroy us, our families, our country our planet in the name of rebellion against Jehova. And in the same breath, Yeshua tells us he had come to offer life, abundant life!

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Charles Hoffman Charles Hoffman

Novus Theos, no. 2

Messiah and Savior

Illusion…everything is a lie. And it began in the garden. A lie was offered to Eve that God was lying to her, and she chose to believe the serpent (father of lies) and disobeyed God anyway. Here were the first humans walking with God in the garden, and they fell for the serpent's lie!

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