Novus Theos, no. 3

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against a spiritual wickedness in high places.” Apostle Paul's letter to the Ephesians, Chapter 6, verse 12

Paul made it very clear what the human race was up against. Clever work is applied today to convince us we are at war with racists, blacks, whites, Christians, democrats, or republicans while in the background, the Marxists are working the playbook to deceive and drive conflict on a global scale to destroy as many as possible while they have time. The real battle, the conflict we are experiencing, isn’t with each other. In reality, it is with spiritual beings in the spiritual realm.

Yeshua reminded us in the gospel of John, Chapter 10, what these combatants are up to. They have a simple agenda: to steal, kill and destroy us, our families, our country, and our planet in the name of rebellion against Yahweh. And in the same breath, Yeshua tells us he had come to offer abundant life!

Is it coming together for you?

I’m sure that you have conflicts and issues in your personal life with other family members or persons at work. Divorce rates are at an all-time high, and many of you have been impacted. Relationship with each other has been difficult for humans. Truly vulnerable, intimate, creative dialogue with another human being is rare, let alone with our Creator Jehova. There are things we just aren’t very good at. In McGilchrist’s book (reading list), he speaks to the challenges we face in this postmodern culture regarding relationships and dynamic group challenges.

These days we are finding ourselves on the left or right side of the political spectrum. Yes, I am conservative and firmly believe the left is socialist and has full intention of taking down our Constitutional Republic and, subsequently, our way of life. This is what the Marxists do; it's their agenda. And in the process, many persons will be killed, property stolen, and states destroyed. For what? Power, control, money, and property. Do you see Paul’s and Yeshua's warning in this? Marxism doesn’t make any sense, except it has a simple agenda to steal, kill and destroy, and we are the target.

I've looked back at the early years of my generation and have identified the elements and manifestations of the Marxist agenda working in and through our music, movies, civil rights movement, religious movements, art, education, and culture. In the background of this Postmodern culture, we have 40% of the population identified as narcissists. We have a divorce rate of 50%. We have a fiery feminist movement driving birth rates below sustainability levels. Men returning home from wars experience raging anxiety from PTSD of war trauma. And of late, we have identified worldwide sex trafficking and pedophile abuses on a massive scale in the Catholic Church and society.

What has the battle left us with? The Thief has been able to steal, kill and destroy much of humanity, and He is not done yet!

What I've done here is take an honest look at simple truths that were spoken and recorded for us. We live on a planet with peculiar circumstances, manifesting a spiritual war among spiritual beings, and we are caught in the middle of the battle. Don't believe it; it's still true! I’m not sure how I feel about being caught in the middle of such madness, but madness it is.

Yet, the madness is manageable, we are told. Yeshua tells us before he leaves us that he will send the Holy Spirit to help us through the turmoil. I'll spend more time on the Holy Spirit in a later post. Still, for now, it's essential to know that from the apostle John’s writings in chapter 14, verse 26, he says, “The Holy Spirit will teach you in all things and remind us of everything Yeshua had said during his life on this planet.”


We live in a world, a planet created by Yahweh, Elohim of a council of Elohim, spiritual beings created by The Lord of Lords, the creator of the universe, for his good pleasure and relationship. A segment of his creation went rogue and, in their free will, chose to be different and rebelled against their creator. We have been made aware of their agenda and are caught in this “War” to be in control. Identified are the manifestations of this war and how it is impacting us.

We have a choice: to wake up from the illusion, deal with our conflicts, and come out winners, free men, honorable men, and heroes.

We are told by Paul in his letter to the Ephesians, Chapter 6, verse 10, to put on the “full armor of God” so we can take a stand against the devil's schemes, the schemes identified through our music, art, political ideologies, and social norms.

We honestly should ask God to help us in any way to take up the armor and engage in creative dialogue with other believers; we are at war with an enemy that wants to destroy us.

At the end of Paul's letter to the Ephesians, he says to pray on all occasions in the Spirit with all kinds of requests and always pray for all the Lord's people, your brothers and sisters, your children! Pray!




Novus Theos, no. 2