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Novus Theos, no. 1
The Genesis
We must understand that "Jehovah of the Elohim" wanted to have a relationship with us. He created us "a little higher than the angels." He created us "in His image and likeness." And His glory is bestowed on us because of His love for us. He loves, and He loves us. Take a moment with that statement.
The Photograph
Journey to an early time in your life. Revisit your childhood past self. Pull out a photo of your kindergarten or 1st-grade self. See if you know that person in the photograph. What did you discover? Who is that person? Do you have memories of them?
Front Lines
A new report made following an armed attack by an enemy combatant on a Christian school in Nashville, Tennesee
Vox Populi
Fromm is telling us that as most of us are offspring of character-disordered parents, we are statistically likely to have our self defined by our upbringing by these people. Merton's use of this phrase speaks to the development of our false selves in our postmodern culture. Merton takes it a bit deeper and tells us about the spiritual nature of our development and spends much of the book A New Man leading us back to our first love to find out that our true self will be found in Christ, our Messiah, our Savior, our Truth, not via the Vox Populi of the post-modern culture of the Western world.
Notes and Comments from The New Man
Excerpts and notes from The New Man by Thomas Merton. Chapter 1, pages 3 to 15.
The Pietist movement is still alive and well. It's particularly evident in our Evangelical and Pentecostal denominations. Why is this important to us today? They have created religions that put their emphasis on performance. For example, they equate being saved with speaking in tongues; better yet, you must believe in the rapture.
An Unbearable Truth
The “past determines your present action and behavior” (Miller). We can continue to repress our childhood memories, ignoring that they exist, and be driven by repressed memories and feelings that determine nearly everything we do or fail to do.
Broken Hearts
“I have come to bring a message of good news to the poor; He has sent me to heal the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captive and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty (set free) those who are oppressed and to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”