Novus Theos, no. 4
“And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever…But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” ~John 14:16, 26
The general thesis for this post is that the evangelical and charismatic movement in the U.S. had been prefaced by a 1994 event in Toronto, Canada, in a Vineyard Church where a "Holy Ghost" service quickly got out of hand. The congregation was mesmerized into believing the Holy Spirit of God, as mentioned in the Bible, was involved in supernatural healing on a whim, slaying in the Spirit, speaking in tongues, and so on. The Vineyard Church leadership later spoke out against this corruption and discredited the event. What happened in Toronto is not the work of the Holy Spirit, but, a true revival, is happening today in the hearts and minds of many Christians, and lives are being changed. Many are living what St. Irenaeus calls "a man fully alive." This is not happening because of the Toronto Blessing and what followed!
The famous Toronto Blessing was an event in Toronto, Canada, at a church called Toronto Airport Vineyard Church in 1994. It is said that the Holy Spirit (H.S.) showed up for some time and exhibited great works and wonders. The event lasted for many days, and several "breakouts" happened afterwords in other places in the U.S. It was like watching a Benny Hinn service where people spoke in tongues and fell over from the H.S.'s power. Many critics from evangelical circles spoke out against the events as shamanism and hypnotic sessions, putting congregations in a trance.
For decades, we heard the cry from the pulpit of many protestant denominations calling for a repeat of Toronto Blessing. It is evident that they either didn't understand the theology of the Bible very well or their ontology was using the "bad" theology to drive a narrative, a false narrative, to mesmerize their congregations and feed on their trauma-based, addictive behaviors and make a lot of money in the process, tax-free. These pastors and "traveling ministries" led the gullible followers on a path that increased spiritual and emotional immaturity. Suppose we connect what McGilchrist (Master and His Emissary) reveals about our Postmodern Culture. He discovered that these celebrated pastors easily influence us because our perceptive neurology has been handicapped for decades already.
This errant teaching on the H.S. is still the face of modern-day Christianity, the Charismatic and Evangelical Church. The "Holy Ghost" services have been going on since Toronto. And they need to understand how the H.S. works; they need to understand, biblically, how he does his job and what His intentions genuinely are. These preachers wanted a “show” to break out and get their congregations acting holy and spiritual, calling it a "move" of the H.S. This type of preaching exhibits a lack of wisdom for these pastors and congregations.
Humans are born into a world that will present them with significant problems and challenges. The Thief has an agenda to steal, kill and destroy, as I have mentioned many times. It has designs to handicap you from living and experiencing a fulfilled life. Yahweh created the H.S. to help you mature into a "Fully Alive" personality, a phrase coined by the late St. Irenaeus from the second century. And the only way this will happen is with the H.S. infiltrating our very flesh, not a "Toronto Blessing" at a Saturday night meeting. The Bible speaks of us as inhabited as Temples of the Holy Spirit. Stuff that one in your pipe and smoke it!
Is the Revival at hand? It is!
As of late, I've been thinking about the work that has been going on in my emotional and spiritual life. By definition, the H.S. involves himself in our whole being on many levels. And add to that; the culture is experiencing a revival as well. I'll explain my position.
“The mind is governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.” ~Romans 8:6
If you read much from the genuinely respected, relevant theologians over the last fifty years, they will agree on the H.S. function in our lives. Drawing on biblical references, we are told that the H.S. has several functions. The H.S.'s intention and offer is to love, teach, convict, heal, and grow us spiritually, emotionally, and physically. The theologians I am referring to are the likes of C.S. Lewis, AW Tozer, Francis Schaefer, John Eldredge, and Nicholas Berdyaev.
Are we finally seeing the Revival we've heard about over the last 30 years? Here are the manifestations I want you to consider. The Revival I am speaking of is cultural, social, personal, relational, spiritual, and theological. Take note of the list of things to consider.
The Jordan Petersons of the world are showing up.
Social Media opportunities for teaching.
Information is coming through social media for the masses.
Truth is being spoken about.
Christian men are being raised up.
Social issues we are not to talk about are spoken of frequently.
Ministering is happening outside the walls of the Church.
New media sources are coming online.
Censorship is less of a problem than it was.
Research is generating important, life-saving information impacting our health and welfare.
Many are calling for a "Second Enlightenment."
Personal restoration from years of anxieties and addictions.
Healing from abusive memories causing CPTSD and PTSD.
Alice Miller, Brene Brown, John Bradshaw, Iain McGilchrist, and Tabor Mate are coming to the fore on social media.
Opportunity for fellowship increasing.
The "Truth" narratives are easily captured.
Awarenesses are abounding for those that are asking for it.
Relationships are improving and healing.
The real fruit of the Spirit is becoming more prevalent among the Remnant.
The Marxist playbook is being revealed to the public and the Western world.
Corrupt elements of the Church are being exposed.
Corruption is being exposed in Governments of the world.
We were promised a Messiah, a Savior named Yeshua. And as we crucified Him, He let us know before He left the planet that a comforter and teacher would return to guide us to a fruitful life of abundance in relationship with the Body of Christ and the Father, Yahweh.
The H.S. is executing a genuine revival that has been preached for years. The Revival is happening as we speak. It's been going on for at least 38 years, as I see it, and longer if we look intently.
“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?” ~1 Corinthians 3:16-17; 6:19-20
The Revival and transformation of our lives impact many of us daily. The H.S. is quietly, supernaturally at work in our lives, memories, addictions, and neurology. He is blessing us and conferring good gifts to us, His Body! Yahweh is using the H.S. to love us, to tend to those that ask Him to bless, teach, heal, give freedom from bondage and addictions, and give sight to the blind and those that lack understanding. That was Yeshua's promise He made in the temple.
Quietly and consistently, if we allow, the H.S. is doing His transforming work in us as Yahweh continues to love us. The Remnant is looking for an authentic restoration, a genuine revival.
The Jews initially missed their Messiah, yet many are coming to the faith. We needed a revival of the heart, very different from what we had seen in Toronto. And what many are experiencing today is genuinely the work of the H.S. The Messiah that the Jewish people missed is the same Savior and H.S. we were missing in the Holy Ghost meetings orchestrated in Pentecostal, Charismatic, and Evangelical Churches over the last century. Yeshua is our Messiah. His name, in Hebrew, means Salvation. And the H.S. was promised by Yeshua to love and inspire us to be Holy as He is Holy and wise as serpents. What more could you ask for?
Are you sensing things just aren't quite right in your life? You're right to question things. Take a moment, several moments, to put out a question and an inquiry to God. Ask Him the question you might have. We're told to ask, seek and knock. Ask God for help, whatever it is you want to ask. Ask and keep asking, confer and keep conferring. Be honest with yourself and with God. Have an ongoing conversation with Him. Ask for people to come into your life to dialogue with you and have fellowship with you. Ask for a revival of your emotional and spiritual life—a revival in your relationships, mannishness or femininity, and parenting.
The Revival is on, don't miss it!