Pillars of the New Financial System
The Dollar:
Inflationary money system
No option but to inflate
Who benefits from inflation
Print more currency
Decreases in value
Federal Reserve:
Elite banking families attempt to control the economies of the world
Created at Jekyll Island in 1914
Controlled the money supply
Inflated the currency
Initially gold backed
The rich took advantage of the currency
Recently offered 0% loans
The likes of Bill Gates's asset value increased dramatically because of it
Current liquidity issues, Triffin’s Dilemma
Decentralized Finance, DEFI
Ripple’s Interledger Ledger Protocol, ILP, Ripple.com
XRP, the bridge currency, has regulatory clarity
Instant settlement
Trustless system
Tokenized Assets, real estate, commodities, stocks, derivatives
A reserve currency
Ripple bank
Custody Solutions, wallets
A deflationary currency
Corridors of communication
Increases in value as utility increases
AMM, automated market makers
Liquidity pools
Interledger Protocol
The latest protocol is the Internet of Value
Other protocols in existence, HTTP, IMAP, SMTP, POP
Assets tokenized on the ledger, stocks, real estate, commodities, currencies
Cant be inflated
only increases in value as utility increases
Limited supply
Bridge currency for the world
Liquidity pools
Transaction corridors
Valuation models up to $30,000 per XRP
World economies are in a pickle. Fiat currency systems have run their course. Most, if not all, have been inflated to the point of having any value left. This is creating dangerous political pressures that generally precipitate military outbreaks.
Our dollar has been inflated to only having 4 cents of original value left. Why does a gallon of milk cost $6.00 now when it originally cost about $0.35? The dollar is an inflationary currency. The more liquidity they create, the less the value becomes. The term Triffin’s Dilemma comes from the realization that increasing the supply of dollars to the world eventually erodes the confidence of the value. And this speaks to the eventual challenges a reserve currency will ultimately face, liquidity issues.
Meanwhile, when we gave control of our currency in 1913 after the Jekyll Island meeting of the financial elites, our dollar has inflated away ever since the plan, destroying the buying power of American citizens. Not to mention that almost all world currencies were inflated in the same way serving the agenda of the world's elite. The WEF is the current organization we are in contention with, utilizing economic control with Central Bank Digital Currencies that are in total control by the elites. Governments worldwide are moving to keep the WEF out of their financial control. The latest ESG scoring system is the latest attempt to gain control of our lives through currency. This is the last gasp the original members of Jekyll may have had to complete their dominance agenda.
Currently, we are seeing a transition at play with new technologies being developed and put in place to replace the age-old Swift system we now use to move value and make payments across borders. Commonly referred to as Decentralized Finance, DEFI will drive down the cost of payments and settle transactions within seconds, increasing the velocity of money tremendously.
The shining star in the revolution is a company called Ripple. They have created what is known as the Interledger Protocol, ILP, and it uses a tokenized currency called XRP as the bridge currency that makes the transaction work efficiently between competing currencies. Send dollars to Singapore to buy commodities, and XRP is used as the bridge currency in the transaction providing cheap, fast, trustless transactions. The banks do not need to keep Nostro and Vostro accounts on the other end of the payment rail, thus freeing up trillions of dollars, euros, or rubles worldwide.
A brilliant feature of XRP is its purposely limited supply, so it has a deflationary aspect. As utility increases and more assets are traded on the ledger, stocks, real estate, commodities, and derivatives, the value of XRP currency increases because it is a deflationary currency. Valuations provided by several entities, including Valhil Capital out of Houston, suggest valuation models ranging from $1,800 to over $50,000, depending on future use cases. Valuation models are essential for institutions involved with merger and acquisition activity. They need to determine fair values when buying or selling assets.
As the world and regional banks increasingly utilize XRP and the Interledger Protocol, we will begin to realize deflationary effects. The Federal Reserve will and should be dismantled, and we will experience real wealth because of the deflationary impacts on our economies, impacting the common man in most free countries. This technology, including Cardano, Stellar, Hbar, and possibly Ethereum, will usher in efficient systems that will cause prices to decline and tangible, tokenized assets to increase in value efficiently. It will be a commonplace event for individuals to invest in a tokenized asset, real estate, for instance, anyplace on the planet, and purchase a fraction of the asset's value, a share, on the ILP. The transaction will occur instantly and settle on their wallet held privately by a custodial service such as Standard Charter or Barclays Bank. This is how the velocity of money can improve the financial health of a nation. That same wallet that you may stake tokenized assets for a market maker or liquidity pool offering a dividend returning you value say, every 24 hours—instant settlement.
A final note about the financial system we are transitioning to. As far as our daily lives, most individuals will not notice the changes. Their daily lives will live out as before, except, there will be subtle notices. Settlement times faster. Changes will be made instantly in their accounts. The currencies we use will be varied. The stablecoins and bank currencies may be varied. And currencies will be deflationary, so they will not decrease in value over time. Inflation only benefited the billionaire elites, not the common man.
History tells us there are periods of peaceful and fruitful existence. And there are periods of wars and rumors of wars. We are a problematic species, and the evidence tells us we will always be in conflict. It's how we are made. Our ontology is the challenge we face. The pillar of economics, our financial systems, is only part of what supports us. It is evident that the powers and rulers have an agenda. And the agenda is to steal, kill and destroy. Yes, right out of the bible. And we need to be taking these truths seriously. This brief is about the transition to a new and better financial system that can be suitable for everyone, yet it does have challenges, and I think we know what they are and what we need to do accordingly. There is a nonpolitical path to solving problems, but history tells us that the elites have an agenda to control everything. We need to be cognizant of this fact and deal with it accordingly. And the Interledger Protocol is just one element of how we are shaping our financial system for the benefit of all participants.
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