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Mythos Paradox
Mythology for a Postmodern Culture
What would our lives look like if we consider God to be nothing more than a mythological figure? The characters depicted in the Bible, the words and letters they wrote, the overarching themes conveyed in the Bible, and the compilation of books and letters are abstract, objective things that do not possess meaning? The idea of objectifying and mythologizing the truths spoken of in the Bible isn't anything new.
Novus Theos, no. 6
The Way, the Truth, the Life
In an earlier conversation today with a friend, I stated how we are neurologically compromised; we are clearly at a disadvantage as postmoderns. We are not doing well as a people, we Westerners. Our culture was created for us to influence the way we operate and behave.
The Pietist movement is still alive and well. It's particularly evident in our Evangelical and Pentecostal denominations. Why is this important to us today? They have created religions that put their emphasis on performance. For example, they equate being saved with speaking in tongues; better yet, you must believe in the rapture.
Broken Hearts
“I have come to bring a message of good news to the poor; He has sent me to heal the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captive and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty (set free) those who are oppressed and to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”
Fellowship, a Forgotten Concept
The apostle John invited us to fellowship with the congregation. A call to unity with the body of Christ. He wants to share what they have seen and heard. 1 John 1:3
A New Evangelism, Understanding the Post-Modern Mind
How to share the gospel with a post-modern society. Here lies the challenge we face. Postmoderns live in the left hemisphere of their brain. They live in an abstract reality that they’ve created for themselves. They have done this to make a space they can be comfortable in, where they feel no threat. Berdyaev and McGilchrist both speak of this phenomenon in great detail.
Connecting the Dots
Even questions about who we are, what is our true self about? And why didn’t relationships work? Why were our parents so angry and controlling or sad and distant from their children? Many of us have been asking these questions since we can remember and haven’t gotten any answers.