The postmodern culture created by the Thief has also infiltrated the contemporary Protestant and Catholic church. This infiltration is Marxist by nature. And one of the essential elements of this is the Pietist Movement dating back to early 1600 with a man named Jan Hus, an early reformer predating the Protestant movement. His journey began before Martin Luther's arrival on the scene. By the way, Hus was later executed for the crime of heresy.
The Pietist movement is still alive and well. It's particularly evident in our Evangelical and Pentecostal denominations today. Why is this important to us? They have created religions that put their emphasis on performance and orthodoxy. (Calvin would have your head if you didn’t comply.) For example, they equate being saved with speaking in tongues; better yet, you better believe in the rapture or your not going to heaven.
I set out on this rabbit hole because I wanted to find the meta-history of the modern protestant movement, and this includes the charismatics. Having spent much time with evangelical and charismatic congregations, I found myself in conflict with them and their theological bent. After all I was raised Catholic. And as I expressed these conflicts, I now understand what is known as gaslighting, was used on me to shut up and accept this Pietism, or I could exit the church. I had been asked on two occasions to leave a church. Being a truth-teller since childhood, this gaslighting was very familiar.
My research found many relevant facts relating to the Pietist movement, starting with the Lutheran Pietist. Then I discovered the genesis of a 30-year war in Europe, killing 8 million people in the name of God. I also read that John Calvin, the leader of the Protestant Reformation, set about persecuting and putting Christians and secular persons to death for not following his religious agenda. What a legacy for the Protestant Church!
So, having personal experience with modern-day Protestantism, I can tell you that the original gospel message of personal transformation of the sinful ontological life to one that exhibits love, joy, peace, and faith is not preached. However, they will preach salvation thru speaking in tongues and rapture theology.
As seen in our postmodern culture, the subjective relational experimental walk with God through the holy spirit providentially engaging in our lives is not generally known but with a small percentage of the religious. The recovery program that came out of Saddleback Church, Pastored by Rick Warren, called Celebrate Recovery, a Christian version of the 12-step program for alcoholics, doesn’t recognize the trauma pain that generally leads to addictions and destructive behavior. They have a widely held belief that if you “give it to God,” everything will be ok. Your life will get back on a functional, healthy track.
It's not unusual to find rock and roll worship services, gay ministers, and homosexuals on the staff of these churches. If a person has any emotional challenges, is easily triggered, lives with an abusive partner, or has debilitating issues with parents abusing them or an alcoholic in the home, the trend is to pray over you and send you home.
The concern that a handful of pastors and laity have today is that the Pietists have lost their way. The Evangelical, Charismatic Church of the 21st century has lost its way. This “Entity” is difficult to have dialogue with. They are like the siblings of a truth-teller; they are impossible to have any semblance of a functional relationship with.
The Bible I read tells us we need to be united in love. We are reminded that we fell a long way from grace as Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden. We are invited to be transformed by the Holy Spirit. Humanity has had a tough time finding its way for a long time. Merton tells us that our Ontology is a big problem few will ever face.
As I have written about in a previous post, the postmodern world has issues that have spilled over into the church. Yes, there will never be more than a remnant, but we need to seek the truth about what we are doing, question our pastors' belief systems, or find one who knows what he is doing. We are looking to the church for answers. Answers to the marriage problems, relationship issues, and trauma memories. We’re experiencing anxiety and sleep issues with no place to go. The divorce rates in our congregations are as high as in the secular world, and pastors are clueless about what to do. The pastoral staff of our local churches are well trained in seminary, but beyond that, they are ignorant of things we need help with. They are specialised in their training. A feature we see a lot of in post modernism.
Why? What are we missing?
The Thief has used everything he can to work against us and is currently winning. Connect the dots! The Pietist dating back to the 1600s, is an example of Marxist infiltration that is playing out today.
The late Pope Paul VI wrote in a 1971 encyclical titled “Octogesima adenines” about the destructive nature of the Marxist message.
“Socialism considers the individual person simply as an element, a molecule within the social organism so that the good of the individual is completely subordinated to the functioning of the socio-economic mechanism.”
Unfortunately, the modern Christian congregation has been infiltrated by the Thief. They now promote gay agendas and a collective atmosphere. They adopt destructive modifications to the original 12-step program and don’t care to expose the deep trauma memories carried by people looking for answers. But they will create a circus-like atmosphere so you can have a good time thinking God showed up to bless you.
This isn’t what God is offering. And He’s been here before. The human race is most vulnerable today. We need more than a Holy Ghost revival in Tennessee with people dancing and falling over themselves, thinking this is relevant to the times.
If we can begin with the truth that we are fallen, sinful, ontologically speaking, and ask for forgiveness and confess our “stuff,” including the repressed “stuff,” that is difficult to discuss. Express just how we feel about all of it. Lay it at God’s feet as the tears of pain and joy intermingle. As David Whyte tells us, “Dive into the well of grief”; a prize is waiting for you.
Orthodoxy is the Right belief about God.
The Assumption is that the truly spiritual person is the one that is owed certain things.
Don’t experience yourself, no honesty. No room for pain, fear, anger, resentment, and anxiety. You're not good enough.
Mental ascension to doctrine.
Pietism: Lutheran Pietism, Moravian Church. Orthodoxy, Piety, Right Thinking, Right Doctrine
Philipp Jacob Spener, Geneva Theologian,
At odds with Lutheran Theology,
A Mystic,
They were exposed to the attacks and abuse of Orthodox Theologians.
Pietists encourage a complete breach between the Christian and the Secular Life.
Objection to the catholic church.
Christians at war with each other.
Thirty-Year War. As many as 8 million died. Protestants Executed.
1618 to 1648
Most destructive in European history.
The battle between Lutherans and Catholics.
Calvinist involved. He was a Pietist. How many did he kill?
Radical Pietism: Devotion, charity, mysticism, spiritual illumination, feeling the effects of grace, fasting and prayer, charismatics, pentecostalism, closed communion, end-time expectations.
(Evangelicalism and Pentecostalism are considered radical)
“Pietism is another name for the Ontology of man manifesting”~Hoffman
But a 30-year war between the Catholics and Pietists?
Have we missed the point of the gospel? Did we forget that we are called to a relationship with God and fellowship with each other? What about the call to be holy as He is holy?
“Religion is an extension of the ego; hence, One of the functions of organized religion is to protect people against a direct experience of god.”~ Jung
“The ego is a veil between humans and God”~Rumi.
“Religion provides a way for people to relate without vulnerability”~Hoffman.
“We don’t know what freedom is; we fear free”~Hoffman.
Religion tells us we are ok, part of a collective. Part of a thing. A couple, a tribe, a family, a nation.
We have selfish needs to fill. We want to dominate, steal, and lie; we are orthodoxy
religion versus relationship
Who wrote about the bride and bridegroom?
What is the real story about? The 30-year war in Europe resulted in 8 million people dying; who was fighting the war?
Why are the evangelicals and Protestants considered radical?
What is Pietism today? How has it morphed into the 21st century?
Are there Marxist elements found in the Pietist movement?
(Personal experience.)
What does the history of the Pietists say about Christians today?
“I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their Hates so stubbornly is because they sense that once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with their pain”~Baldwin.
Pietist Founder, Jan His, started the Moravian Church, Oldest Protestant Denomination.
Involved in the Hussite Wars, Apocalyptic Religion, Pentecostals, and Charismatics.
Having made this journey with other searching Christians over a lifetime, we share a sentiment we discovered.
The Pietists broke away froth the Catholic tradition and haven’t looked back.
They didn’t improve on anything.
Yes, they were hunted down for their belief.
Modern-day manifestations are the Calvary Chapel people, the Vineyard Church, and other Pentecostal and Charismatic movements.
The very guarded emphasis on end times and rapture.
Their disgust for Catholics (experienced).
They bastardize the 12-step program to fit their theology. The leadership mantra of “give it to God” is a failed attempt to help people grieve and resolve emotional pain and trauma.
They do not like anyone questioning their practices.
Experienced “ex-communication” from a charismatic group for asking about their Bible interpretations.
Why are postmodern Christians attracted to these denominational practices?