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The Pietist movement is still alive and well. It's particularly evident in our Evangelical and Pentecostal denominations. Why is this important to us today? They have created religions that put their emphasis on performance. For example, they equate being saved with speaking in tongues; better yet, you must believe in the rapture.
An Unbearable Truth
The “past determines your present action and behavior” (Miller). We can continue to repress our childhood memories, ignoring that they exist, and be driven by repressed memories and feelings that determine nearly everything we do or fail to do.
Broken Hearts
“I have come to bring a message of good news to the poor; He has sent me to heal the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captive and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty (set free) those who are oppressed and to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”
Stuff Dreams Are Made Of
Trauma pain (TP) is generally experienced when you are the object of a narcissist's control or an alcoholic’s rage and abuse. It also happens at the hands of a pedophile or sexual abuse of any kind. It can be physical, emotional, and sexual.
The Great Divide
Our ontology is a commanding force culturally. Divorce rates are high; 40% of the population is narcissistic. Evil abounds in the abortion industry. The Bible represents centuries of history that never seems to improve for humans. International corporations plot against the inattentive public, forcing vaccines designed to eliminate life.
Virginia Wolfe exclaimed, in 1910, “All human relations have shifted, those between masters and servants, husbands and wives, parents and children. And when human relations change, there is at the same time a change in religion, conduct politics, and literature.” It was apparent then, as it certainly is a century later, that something had happened.
Black Sheep
I’m posting this for whoever needs to read this, as I was blessed to have it show up on social media. After many years of struggling to understand the dynamic of being the black sheep, I feel like I finally have validation and understanding. I have been asking for clarity on the subject, and I finally have it. And his words on the matter gave me perfect clarity.
Fellowship, a Forgotten Concept
The apostle John invited us to fellowship with the congregation. A call to unity with the body of Christ. He wants to share what they have seen and heard. 1 John 1:3
A New Evangelism, Understanding the Post-Modern Mind
How to share the gospel with a post-modern society. Here lies the challenge we face. Postmoderns live in the left hemisphere of their brain. They live in an abstract reality that they’ve created for themselves. They have done this to make a space they can be comfortable in, where they feel no threat. Berdyaev and McGilchrist both speak of this phenomenon in great detail.