The Great Divide

Let's talk about relationship!

Our ontology is a commanding force. Divorce rates are high; 40% of the population is narcissistic. Evil abounds in the abortion industry. The Bible represents centuries of history that never seems to improve for humans. International corporations plot against the inattentive public, forcing vaccines designed to decrease the population.

We have been divided, relationally, since the beginning of time. Dysfunction is apparent everywhere we look.

The Thief is at work on new ways to create tension and suspicion between human beings. The recent vaccinations and masking created a stir, and anger often resulted, even among family members.

And then many have lived their entire lives gaslighted by either a parent, sibling, or mate, and didn't understand how to deal with the pain of it all.

Widespread, I might add; it is said that spousal abuse is rampant, with numbers as high as 1 in 4, the last count. I read this morning that three women a day are killed at the hand of a man in their life. 

So what is going on here? 

The Marxists have aimed to drive a wedge between men and women through their Feminist Movement. And Narcissist mothers are driving a wedge between their children and their fathers. The Gay Agenda is actively at work dividing us. We have been hyper-sexualized since I can remember, the sixties, and we now live in a hook-up culture. 

Catholic priests are abusing our children. Pedophiles abuse children. Transvetstites parade in elementary schools. And abortion is a standard form of birth control.

Men don't know how to be a man, and young women don't want to be mothers and have a family.

Its obvious we are not doing well. We don't know how to get along with each other. And our relationships suffer for it.

Who wins? We certainly haven't.

Pride, greed, envy, and other deadly sins get in the way.

Not difficult to see why God caused the flood in Noah’s day and He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. Not to mention why Jesus will come back when he does to save what elect are left and functioning reasonably well. I think there will be few left alive or in prison cells. In the process, the Thief will have attempted to kill most of us.

The Thief has been busy stealing and destroying humanity by dividing and conquering us. And the Thief does this by creating distrust, thus eliminating our ability to engage in what I call "Creative Dialogue," for starters. And the route to this "Dialogue" is found in fellowship or what we see in Small Group Fellowships attended by searching Christians.

Paul writes in Colossians 2:2, where he lays out his goal for them, "That they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, so that they may know the mystery of God, in Christ, in whom are hidden all the riches of wisdom and understanding." 

Further in verse 8, Paul says, "See to it that no one takes you captive…which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world."

Ultimately, the Thief has a simple goal. He is envious of us, has a beef with the Elohim, and hates us, God's creation. And he is doing all he can to keep us from a relationship with our creator God, Jehovah. Meanwhile, since forever, God is offering us the connection, a relationship, to bless us in the process. Wisdom and Understanding alone are great gifts to any human being.

In conclusion, the battle being waged on the planet that the Thief spearheads through the Marxist socialist movement, designed to erode any human attempt at growing functioning relationships with our heavenly Father where good gifts await us, not to mention wisdom and understanding and the fruit of the spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, faith, kindness and goodness, gentleness and self-control. The Thief's option is pride, envy, greed, wrath, lust, gluttony, and sloth.

It's time to choose what our life is to be, relationship and blessings or despair and fear. Ask for a real relationship in your marriage. Do the work to resolve and grieve the loss and pain from the toxic people in your life. Learn to dialogue with your closest real friends and family. Ask for truth, wisdom, and understanding. Ask for the Holy Spirit to guide and teach. Learn to love your children. Turn off your televisions and find resources that aren’t controlled by the world. And pray for a return to a culture that isn’t driven by pain and greed. Living by the seven deadlies just isn’t going to work anymore.


Stuff Dreams Are Made Of

