• "The Matter Of Who We Are Always Precedes What We Do"

    “Thus, sin is not essentially an action but rather an identity. Sin is a fundamental stance of wanting to be what we are not. Sin is thus an orientation to falsity, a basic lie concerning our own deepest reality.”

    James Finley

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Charles Hoffman Charles Hoffman

From Eden

Despite our departure from the garden due to disobedience, God's love for us has never wavered. His efforts to engage with us and show us how much we mean to Him are a constant and unwavering presence in our lives, a source of security and cherished love.

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Charles Hoffman Charles Hoffman


I remember sharing with my morning coffee partner that I finally understood the need for Yeshua to arrive when he did and, later in his life, offered to help us, heal us, and deliver the Holy Spirit for comfort and to teach us in all things. Speaking in tongues wasn’t part of his message. Yeshua, our Messiah, our Savior, came to get us, those who want it, back on track. He came to heal and connect us to a place where we are wise as the “serpents” and understand the world about us.

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Charles Hoffman Charles Hoffman

Shelter of His Wings

Exegesis on Psalm 91

Psalm 91 spells out a world we are either prepared for or will destroy us. Are we walking into battle, unable to ward off the enemy with no weapons? The New Testament (NT) also warns us of the difficulties we will face. We’re told of the principalities and powers we will encounter. And of the thief that comes to steal, kill, and destroy.

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Charles Hoffman Charles Hoffman

Novus Theos, no. 5

The Salvation Paradox

Our Messiah, Yeshua, whose name in Hebrew means to restore, clearly stated in the Temple at the beginning of his ministry that his mission was to save and restore as many of us as possible and preach salvation. His salvation message clearly stated that he would heal and restore us to health, bring us to an abundant life, and restore our relationship with God.

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Charles Hoffman Charles Hoffman

Broken Hearts

“I have come to bring a message of good news to the poor; He has sent me to heal the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captive and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty (set free) those who are oppressed and to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”

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