From Eden

Since Eden, our God (Yahweh) has loved us and made Himself readily available to us. He has guided us, instructed us, and, most importantly, sent us a Messiah (Yeshua), a profound expression of His love for us.

Despite our departure from the garden due to disobedience, Yahweh's love for us has never wavered. His efforts to engage with us and show us how much we mean to Him are a constant and unwavering presence in our lives, a source of security and cherished love.

He is a loving God, unlike the evil gods in the universe. When He handed the Ten Commandments to Moses to pass on to his chosen, He made it clear that He fully intended that they worship Him, showing the depth of His love and care, knowing that many gods were confronting them.

He sent His sons, angels, and gods (Psalm 82) to help us. We find evidence of that, for instance, during the Antediluvian Period when He sent members of the Elohim (Council) to offer the gift of civilization to the barbarians of the Americas. There are many other testimonies of angels interacting with humanity who bring messages and instruction from Yahweh, the King of Kings.

He had Noah build a big boat to save himself, his family, and many animal species so he could invoke a great flood and eliminate the human race, which was much needed. Humanity had been reduced to pure barbarianism, led by malevolent gods running loose on the planet. When these passages are correctly read in the Old Testament, it becomes clear that Yahweh had no choice in the matter because they had been impacted and captured in their ontology, pure rebellion against their creator.

He instructed his prophets to advise and warn His chosen people of things they were doing that He disapproved of. The Israelites had a way of straying from the path, and God had to reel them back quite often. As His messengers, the prophets were instrumental in breaking the Messianic Prophecies, bringing divine guidance to His chosen people.

He selected a people to direct his messages to, setting them up as the family lineage to introduce Yeshua to the world. He had to intervene for them on many occasions to get them to the promised land where Yeshua would eventually make his entrance.

It took 700 years for the prophecies to sink in, but Yeshua arrived at a precise time and place. His ministry began some thirty years later, during which time he touched thousands of lives, healing and delivering from the dead. Messianic prophecies were being fulfilled, and his sacrificial role would soon be delivered, and his departure was quickly at hand. Yahweh instructed Yeshua to minister to the nation of Israel, healing the sick and teaching in parables that they would understand.

At the time of Yeshua's departure, after he rose from the dead, He made sure to let us know he was sending back a comforter, an instructor he referred to as the Holy Spirit, the third member of the Triune Godhead of which Yeshua is part. Jesus clearly stated that the Holy Spirit would teach us in all things…if we ask!

Through the Holy Spirit, He inspires many to allow the transforming work needed to help us be holy as He is holy and enabling many to reflect the fruit of this Holy Spirit's work in us, expressing love, joy, peace, and others. This is a source of inspiration and hope for all believers

Yahweh offered us eternal life with him on His new heaven and earth. He will have Yeshua return, as promised in the Book of Revelation, to separate the wheat from the chaff, send the barbarians to hell forever, and retain the remnant for the new creation.

He is love; God is love! He always has and always will be! He is the God of the Ten Commandments, which clearly states that He is the one to worship and that no other gods should be worshipped before Him because He is the only God who loves.

He loves you! We have heard this all our lives from the pulpits of the planet, but have we stopped and let it sink in? Take your moment!


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