Systematic Warfare
I haven’t added a post to the blog site in two months, but I have been reading and studying early world history. I have been interested in the battles against humanity since the beginning of time and what this speaks to me. The main idea for this post is a discussion related to faith and the rewriting of history.
About the issue of belief, it appears we haven’t been told the truth about most things, and many protestant and catholic pastors seem to be concealing things that they should be telling their congregations.
The Thesis and Other Ideas
As a reader, you play a crucial role in this journey of discovery. Are you a Christian, Catholic, or Evangelical? Have you delved into your bible? Have you ever found yourself questioning the very foundation of your beliefs? Do you feel a deep understanding of the historical and mythological aspects that underpin your faith? Have you ever wondered what it truly means to be a Christian? Have you ever explored the captivating history and 'mythology' that lay the foundation of your faith? What if we were to uncover more about the Book of Enoch? What if we were to delve into the significance of Genesis 6 verses? What if we considered the Antediluvian Period more than just mythology? These questions, and more, could lead us to a deeper, more nuanced understanding of our faith. So, what are we looking at? What is this about?
The narrative of Christianity is not just a collection of words but a tapestry, richly woven with the threads of angels, gods, myths, floods, God, Yeshua, apostles, and prophets, and these are not just historical figures and events but pivotal ones that shape the very fabric of our faith, inviting us to marvel at their significance and relevance. The big picture, the history of Planet Earth includes all of these to a great extent allowed in our history books.
So why did they leave out the Book of Enoch, a sacred text by many early Christian communities and still revered by some today? Its exclusion from mainstream religious texts is a contention, as it contains unique insights and perspectives that could deepen our understanding of our faith. Why do contemporary Protestant pastors skim over Genesis 6 verses the way they do? Why is the Antediluvian Period dismissed as mythology? And the work of Hancock and Donnelly ignored as nonsense? Why do we treat characters like Viracocha, Quetzalcoatl, Thoth, and Osiris as simply mythological characters? We treat a lot of history as if it were just mythological tales that have no meaning to us, yet read a mythological story, it will impact you. Something is going on.
We are not just passive spectators in a spiritual battle. We are at odds with an adversary seeking our destruction, but we have the power to resist and overcome. This adversary, as Jesus cautions in John 10:10, is determined to steal, kill, and annihilate us. They are resolute in their mission to obliterate us by concealing the reality of their existence from our social and cultural narrative. This adversary is not a physical entity but a spiritual one, and understanding their tactics and strategies is crucial for our spiritual survival. By understanding this, we can empower ourselves to stand firm in our faith and resist the adversary's attempts to deceive us.
Imagine the possibilities if we were to take all the 'concealed history’ and 'mythology' seriously, including the Genesis 6 verses and the flood narratives. We could thrive as inhabitants of Planet Earth. Our lives could be more fulfilling, our relationships more robust, and our productivity higher. We could truly embrace the 'fulfilled life' promised by our creator. This potential lies within our grasp, waiting to be unlocked through our exploration and understanding of our faith's historical and mythological aspects.
Do we genuinely believe in our status as a created species? This is one of the fundamental challenges we face as a species. We call ourselves “Believers,” yet one must ask how much we truly believe or what we believe. So then, are we created, made in His image and likeness? “Let us (Elohim) make them in our image and likeness.” We must ask ourselves this question and then decide what this means to us as Citizens of Earth, as spiritual beings with earthly human bodies. Isn’t Gen. 6 telling us about spiritual entities that came to our planet, took on human bodies, and proceeded to mate with human females, who bore their offspring, we know as Nephilim? A lot is happening here with the human and angelic races of beings, and it's all in the bible.
Returning to our beliefs and faith question, it's important to remember that this is not just an individual journey of faith but a shared one. As a community of believers, we can support and encourage each other in this journey, deepening our understanding of our faith and strengthening our relationship with our creator. Together, we can move to a place where we genuinely believe we are created beings with whom our creator desires a relationship.
That said, will we be able to read the history and understand what we are being told about the spiritual battles we are facing and the texts telling us we are fallen and need all the help we can get from a Messiah and the Holy Spirit? What are we to make of this language?
Thomas Merton tells us that ontology is a real problem for the citizens of Earth. We don’t want to hear things like this about how we operate and treat each other. We like to think we are just doing fine when we are not. Diving into Merton’s interpretation, he tells us that our ontology is such that we are as rebellious as any creation Jehova has made. We, indeed, are a greedy and selfish species. This is why God sent a Messiah for all of us to help us make the leap to a holy, set-apart people. And that takes some work! And the arrival of the Holy Spirit to convict and teach us in all things is crucial.
Let's connect the dots. We have been heavily influenced by what I will call 'Systematic Warfare, ‘ a term I use to describe the systematic and strategic suppression of particular historical and spiritual truths. This suppression is often carried out through the manipulation of information, the omission of certain narratives, and the promotion of others. Several resources have exposed this fact in the last ten years. I will list these persons, books, or ideas for you, and you can do with them as you like.
McGilchrist’s book provides evidence of how culture creators impact our neurology and render us unable to be accurately perceptive.
Heiser’s work on rewriting history, as evidenced in Genesis 6 and other Hebrew texts, explains our history's spiritual elements and entities.
Hancock's work uncovered antediluvian history, revealing the mythological characters that were, in fact, real historical entities.
Thomas Merton’s writing on our Ontological self.
Biblical warnings of those that come to steal, kill, and destroy.
The Bible uses the term 'Principalities, Powers, and Rulers' to describe spiritual entities that influence and control the world, which is crucial in understanding our spiritual battles.
Nicolas Berdyaev in Slavery and Freedom
We are not, nor have we known, abundant living. Because of our technological advancements, we understand that we are doing well culturally, and that's a hard reality to acknowledge in the 21st century. My thesis attempts to inspire the questions and critical thinking we need to bridge the gap in our spiritual and rational thinking about what and who we are and what the Bible is trying to tell us. Reflect on what our creator has been trying to say to us about our existence on this planet and what we are dealing with. Who is behind the curtain pulling the levers, and what should be our response as people of the Risen Christ?
Reading List:
The Bible
Epic of Gilgamesh
The Master and His Emissary by Iain McGilchrist
Slavery and Freedom by Nicholas Berdyaev
Merton’s Palace of Nowhere by James Finley
The Complete Books of Enoch
Fingerprints of the Gods by Graham Hancock
Atlantis, the Antediluvian World by Ignatius Donnelly
The Unseen Realm by Dr. Michael Heiser
Slavery and Freedom by Nicolas Berdyaev
Jordan Peterson, social media personality
Conversation Topics:
Gods and angels
Gospel Message
Fallen angels
Postmodern culture
Flood Narrative