Antediluvian Stories


Have you ever heard the word written or spoken? What could it be about, or who is it about? I only began to hear the word spoken in recent years. Recently, I watched a documentary by a man named Graham Hancock, researching ancient ruins accompanied by an archeologist surmising what was going on during the time of the ruins and who was involved. One of the recurring elements that he spoke of was that the professionals and universities were doing an excellent job of pushing back on his research to the point of full-on criticism of his assertion that there was an antediluvian period, many years before the flood, where it appears a race of giant people existed. It was discussed that these giants had arrived at various places on the planet to assist the flood survivors in establishing their lives and gifted many with technologies not known before, like metallurgy and magical knowledge.

As Graham Hancock traveled about the world visiting antediluvian sites, he discovered, among other things, a penchant for skilled construction. Sites built of stone blocks were fitted with tolerances not achievable today, and we are talking about various shapes and sizes of blocks fitted together as tight gloves. It was discovered that in many sites from South America to Africa, the stones were, in fact, heavier than modern equipment can move. We're still in the pre-flood era of building city structures.

Another element found in these city structures is the available drawings and historical accounts passed down or recorded on walls and homes, the stories of being visited by very large people who remained with the locals and then departed after a time of helping them get established.

The work done by Hancock and others is heavily criticized by established archeologists and theologians, who disagree with the findings. They don't appear to want to talk about an antediluvian period, and there are findings related to ancient civilizations in the Sumerian cultures before the flood that indicate history that goes back as far as 250,000 years!

Another critical element of this story is that giants are spoken of. Historical events reveal many people who survived the flood and visited survivors worldwide. It would appear these giants are the same giants spoken of in the bible at various places in the Old Testament. These giants are the Nephilim mentioned in the Genesis 6 story and discussed again as the Israelites made their way to the promised land. Even the book of Enoch references these Nephilim for us. More revelation can be found in the book The Unseen Realm by Michael Heiser, which was heavily canceled by Christian theologians who wanted to avoid the story discussed or disagreed with Heiser's findings. There is another issue here that we will speak to soon.

What is the problem with the giant narrative during the antediluvian period before the flood? For one thing, contemporary theologians have been able to circumvent the story by explaining that it was descendants of Seth mating with human women, giving birth to men of renown. They don't want to have to tackle the Nephilim, offspring of fallen angels, for one thing. Why, you may ask, do they not want to go there? Well, for one thing, it messes with the lovely little theology used to tickle the ears of their congregation. It's a much more digestible theology to present. If the real story were preached, it would cause an uproar among Western Christians that would take a lot to recover from. Humanity is not supposed to know what and who the real Nephilim are. The Nephilim don't want us to know who they are. The demonic elements in the world today don't want any attention if they can help it. That's the idea: run silent as long as they can. So when the likes of Hancock and Heiser get too close to the truth, the censorship element attacks to silence or at least keep people from reading the findings, rendering them charlatans, at best, without credibility.

This problem with truth is something I have been writing about lately. You see it at many levels of our culture, from the religious to the political to the educational level. Frankly, people today would rather be social animals, rejecting any search for truth. The characters behind this history, from the garden expulsion to the Noah story, are the ones that don't want to be discovered, and they are the demonic elements still causing problems for humanity. And I will stake my life on it!

Suppose humanity was allowed to connect the dots of all the pertinent facts about our history, from the Adam and Eve story to Noah building the ark, from the Genesis story of the fallen angels descending to our planet and creating offspring later called the Nephilim, giants, and men of renown. Then, work on the Antediluvian period and reveal the truth of the 250,000 years of Kings who were most likely the fallen angels at war with each other for dominance of the human species. We might get somewhere if we were to know the truth that the bible and the likes of Heiser, Hancock, and Enoch are trying to tell us.

There will be more of the Antediluvian period to come. I am in the process of spending more time with a couple of authors that I want to connect with biblical narratives to get a better picture of this period. One can look at Hancock's documentaries on YouTube if you wish. He's very thorough in his work. You will find a rising narrative about Aliens to throw you off the scent. The Powers and Principalities want to keep you in the dark. They don't want us to know the truth, period.

I would also attest that this period is excluded from the bible because it presents a history that they, the Powers and Rulers, don't want us to know about, so the early Catholic Church decided to leave it out and hide away the documentation for as long as they possibly can. This knowledge would dynamically impact our worldview, our understanding of who we are, and our existence. It would make the Darwinian evolution argument impossible to nourish in our culture. It would change everything and give us an understanding of the story we live by today.

My final assertion for the moment is to consider the impact on the general public if we clearly understand this ancient history and its impact on our present worldview and understanding of our biblical history. Something was adrift in the early Sumerian period of 250,000 years. There were angelic beings that made their way to our planet and mated with human females, had children with them called the Nephilim, and created havoc with an early man that God finally terminated, hence the flood narrative. That is the history, partially, that we know. The rest of the story is yet to be discovered. What happened during the 250,000 years before the flood? What about this antediluvian period we need to have available to understand better how to deal with the demonic spirits today? When we read in the New Testament a directive to be wise as serpents or the words that describe the thief that comes to steal, kill, and destroy, how can we understand this thief?

As I dive into their work and discoveries, I will cite Graham Hancock and Ignatius Donnelly in the next post. And I will relate elements to you as historical facts and not some mythological perspective. I have shown that this is a relevant device to follow in immersing into the historical world of the Antediluvian Period.


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