Let’s Get Started
What is this blog site about, and what is my agenda?
My mission is to communicate with anyone who has had similar experiences growing up that I had. I came from a dysfunctional, alcoholic, shame-based abusive family. Both of our parents came from the same structure. There were emotional, physical, and sexual abuses as well. I was raised a catholic and left the church at 18, later finding my way through the protestant movement.
In my late 20’s, I spent time in 12-step programs as this was my initial cry for help after my first failed marriage producing three children.
My journey continued with authors showing up like Larry Crabb and “Inside Out,” C.S. Lewis and “The Great Divorce” and “Mere Christianity.” There were several counselors and pastoral conversations along the way.
But most of all, this is where I am sharing revelations along the journey about the abundant life we were promised. And the place to start is by taking a look at our ontology. Who we are, and what is the meta-story of our existence on this planet.