The Ontological Self

The Ontological Self (OS) is commanded, controlled, manipulated, cut off, and neurologically compromised. To top it off, we live at a time when the masses have been influenced by a culture, and can barely understand their daily surroundings and the other humanity that exists there. We truly are living in a matrix, a virtual reality!

Connect the dots, Mcgilchrist, Heiser, Benner, Thompson, and biblical writers. Who is in control and will do anything to stay in control? It’s one thing to see how the elite will maintain control even if it takes a civil war in the West, but we are at a macro level of cultural control here. Currently, they can’t have anyone discover them. They have been in control for thousands of years, from the early Sumerian civilization that lasted for 240,000 years to the flood when Jehova realized that he had no choice but to take everything down, man and animal, and start over with Noah’s family. With the help of the gods, the human race eventually corrupted society to the point that God had had enough. It was so bad that a messiah would not have done any good at that point. Who knows, he might have sent one, and they ended up crucifying him at the edge of town.

The OS is where most of us are today unless you are part of the Remnant, the body of Christ that has experienced restoration and transformation. The only way out of your condition is to get your neurology reset and pray that the Holy Spirit (HS) can wake you up and transform your very being, your very soul; otherwise, your existence rests as a compromised, dumbed-down objectified human being, unwise and no empathy for anyone else living in utter depravity.

There's always been a way out of the matrix. The Bible is telling us what we need to break out of this ontological condition. I urge you to read the bible as soon as you can. Ask God to help you understand your reading and connect the dots. Please read it as a historical fact, not an allegory, as some suggest today.

We are a fallen species, really fallen! We left the garden in shame and haven’t looked back since. We could have repented and asked for forgiveness, but we didn't.  And that is the starting point for us today. Ask for forgiveness and let the HS transform your heart and mind so you can grow in wisdom and understanding and start to see what’s going on with this planet for the first time for most of us.

It's a lot worse than you may want to admit. Even the book of Revelation tells us things will get ugly before Yeshuas returns for the last time. We're told that time will be compared to the days of Noah when God flooded the earth for 150 days and wiped the planet of every living human and animal.

Our Father, the Creator, loves us and has given us free will so that he can have a relationship with us. Our OS is our root self we have to contend with, and until we do, the relationship will be complicated at best. Relationships with other humans are certainly tricky as well. Our postmodern selves are good at objectifying everything in our lives. Yet, God loves us and sent Yeshua to deliver a message to us and eventually be put to death as a “final sacrifice” for us. Why a “sacrifice,” I don’t understand, but a necessary propitiation required by God to deal with forgiving us creatures. Nonetheless, he has been communicating at every corner and crevice of history to let us in on his plan to save and redeem us. To restore us to a state of life and love a people set apart for him, I might as well say, to transform us into personalities that function well, are relational, are empathetic, and are intuitive.

We need to go back to the biblical history that we need to understand so we can get a handle on what we are up against today.

I read a reliable source that talked about these people who are easily called up for Antifa, BLM, and pro-Palestinian riots. Now, connect the dots from McGilchrist’s discussion about what’s left of society in the Postmodern culture of the 40% of humanity declared narcissists. The people protesting and burning down cities are to be looked at as borderline personality types. We are speaking about a lot of our society being severely damaged. The passage about Yeshua's final return list references “as in the days of Noah.” 

Things are not good if we have that many broken, angry people in our country, let alone the planet. We are in much trouble here, and how did we get here? We have been at a spiritual war since the beginning of time. Read your bible; history books won’t tell you anything helpful. Read it from front to back. Ask a friend to read it with you. You’ll soon realize we have been at war for centuries. Yeshua showed up when the prophets said he would and spoke in the temple about his agenda. He arrived at a prescribed time to restore us. He brought salvation and help from the HS to deliver to anyone who wanted help.

It's time we woke up to the reality of our times. We can’t treat our history as a series of mythological stories and events because they are events in the planet's history going back as far as 240,000 years. And in this history, there are stories about:

  • Sumerian Kings and stone tablets

  • Giants in the Promised Land

  • An Antediluvian Period lasting 240,000 years

  • Angels taking on human form and mating with human women

  • Nephilim offspring, men of renown, gods of previous cultures

  • Child sacrifice in historical cultures

  • Contemporary pedophile and child sex trafficking

  • Marxist Infiltration of Western institutions

Put it all together, and what have we? We have a culture of depravity and slavery to our Ontological Self. The human being doesn’t just make moral decisions to sin but is, in fact, a being that operates from a place of rebellion to God, an ontologically sinful being. We see a world slowly being taken over by a cabal of natural and supernatural beings with one intention: to enslave humanity to the likes of animals. They would like to get rid of most of us, reducing the world population to 500 million. It's true; they will tell you this without blinking an eye.


It's time to think outside the box and connect the dots. Get your neurology reset and in order, and start thinking. Ask for wisdom and understanding. Quit reading the bible as mythology; see it for what it is. Understand the bible was written at times of great distress and by people not anything like us. God is trying to tell you something significant. He is telling you he wants a relationship with you, so get it together. He is love and loves you and me very much. Trust these words!



Antediluvian Stories


A Grand Conspiracy