• "The Matter Of Who We Are Always Precedes What We Do"

    “Thus, sin is not essentially an action but rather an identity. Sin is a fundamental stance of wanting to be what we are not. Sin is thus an orientation to falsity, a basic lie concerning our own deepest reality.”

    James Finley

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Charles Hoffman Charles Hoffman

Novus Theos, no. 6

The Way, the Truth, the Life

In an earlier conversation today with a friend, I stated how we are neurologically compromised; we are clearly at a disadvantage as postmoderns. We are not doing well as a people, we Westerners. Our culture was created for us to influence the way we operate and behave.

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Charles Hoffman Charles Hoffman

Musings for June 5th, 2023

Personality leaks out but is not a constant. Most everyone I've ever known is in bondage to shame and emotional pain. And we never get to know the authentic self, the personality, because of it. And therefore, a relationship is rarely established with the person. This happens to most people we know. They go to the grave having no idea who they are. How sad!

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