A Cosmological Worldview
Cosmology is the third part of the Worldview Series and is identified as an element of the Worldview problem we must tackle. It studies the universe's origin, development, structure, history, and future.
How can someone begin to establish their worldview in this cosmology? Starting with the universe's history, where can we learn about how we arrived here and how it all began?
I have been searching through various books and authors for some time now, and I must say, it’s quite a challenge to find relevant information to start understanding this subject. Reading the Bible doesn’t seem very helpful either. I recently learned that ancient history, both before and after the flood, consists only of fragments of information that we possess. You cannot glean much from the Old Testament, as it is largely absent from the book of Genesis. All we know from the Old Testament is that there was a flood, and then Noah was tasked with starting everything over. It was like a reboot because humanity had become too unruly, and God grew weary of it. Well, that’s interesting. God got tired of those humans and flooded the planet to get rid of them. I can’t help but feel that much more was happening back then, and we aren’t getting the whole story here.
Here is a thought: Could the Library of Alexandria have housed ancient manuscripts that could help our story? Since the library operated during the reign of Ptolemy II Philadelphus (285-246 BC), a scholarly book from the late 1800s reveals numerous resources from that era, showing various forms of evidence of ancient manuscripts related to pre and post-flood writings. Yet, the author faced persecution for his book, “Atlantis, The Antediluvian World." It seems that the establishment of that time didn’t want anyone to take his work seriously. Was there a clear corruption of academia taking place in Great Britain during that period? This reminds me of the corruption being exposed today. Government agencies are simply laundering taxpayers' money through USAID to the tune of billions, and we wouldn’t have known about it if it hadn’t been for Trump and Musk searching for waste at the federal level. There are forces in place to obstruct our understanding of the truth regarding many issues, including history. As they say, truth is being rewritten to accommodate the latest perpetrators of tyranny. It’s an evil system of world domination, and the longer they can keep you in the dark, the longer they can perpetuate the corruption they are involved in. Let’s move on!
I also wanted to mention the philosopher we know as Plato. He is recognized as an essential figure in the Western world, a philosopher and foundational thinker who has significantly influenced how Westerners perceive things today. Plato had a lot to say about the history of the world. Specifically, he discussed what his father, Solon, learned from his time in Egypt with Herodotus and Plutarch regarding ancient history, including their understanding of evidence about the pre-flood period known as the Antediluvian World. My knowledge of Plato’s writings on this topic comes from a book by Ignatius Donnelly written in the late 1800s (I may have mentioned him already). There was a time when scholars in the Western world had a clear understanding of this period and were unafraid to discuss it. Interestingly, the new edition of Donnelly's book includes an introduction that criticizes him for the evidence he initially presented about the Atlantean story. A contemporary researcher named Hancock faces similar criticism for building on Donnelly's narrative regarding the ruins of antiquity and the Antediluvian period.
So, what can we do to understand better this planet's history and origins and our existence? I want to answer this question by starting with this: take some time to read Hancock's work, The Fingerprints of the Gods. Then, work your way through Ignatius Donnelly’s Atlantis, the Antediluvian World. Michael Heiser provides a treasure trove of information in his book The Unseen Realm. And, of course, one must read the story of Genesis to piece it all together. The challenge lies in integrating all these elements. Take your time to connect the dots and adopt a mindset that you're reading history, not just a collection of mythological “stories.” There is much to consider regarding the history of our planet and the personalities involved. Many of these figures are of the deity and god variety mentioned in the Bible, especially in Genesis and throughout Revelation. This marks the beginning of a journey to understand how we arrived here and what the creator has in store for us and through us. Most importantly, we must grasp the nature of the spiritual battle we face every day of our lives.
Before I conclude this “cosmological” problem, I want to express my belief that the historical aspect will present challenges for several reasons. Generally, we do not have access to many ancient manuscripts. The primary issue is that institutions like the Catholic Church hold the materials necessary to understand the history of the Western world specifically. The Library of Alexandria indeed contained much ancient evidence that could clarify a significant portion of the history we need to grasp. A thorough understanding of early history is essential for developing a worldview today.
A cosmological understanding is essential for a rich and fulfilling life. It brings clarity to our existence on a planet intertwined with a history that adds significance to our biblical foundation. Along the way, seek understanding and remain open to whatever God places in our path, whether it’s a book, a documentary, or a person who offers guidance!