A Nation in Mourning

We now recognize that we have been trapped in a web of deception skillfully crafted by those in power for decades. Elites, aristocrats, and oligarchs have taken control of governments, extracting resources from us both covertly and intentionally. They have played a significant role in plundering our treasuries and creating deficits that can never be fully repaid. Additionally, they have misled and deceived us on numerous issues as their particular brand of socialism continues to tighten its grip on our society and destroy the lives of humanity in any possible way they can. It is simply a playbook out of the gates of hell. And thisisnt’t some mythological story. This insidious influence extends throughout our institutions, affecting the church, medical and pharmaceutical companies, educational establishments from elementary schools to universities, the banking sector, the media, the Democratic Party, the CIA, the FBI, and even the Republican Party.

Regardless of your perspective, socialism has been the root cause of our challenges since Marx's time, infiltrating the very fabric of Western society. Now is the time to lift the veil and confront the reality we’ve been facing.

Recently, James Lindsay has boldly championed the truth, taking on the challenge of educating society on the history and agenda of the socialist movement, which seeks to undermine Western civilization. His message is resonating through conservative media and beyond. When Elon Musk acquired Twitter, it signaled the start of a new revolution. Trump announced his candidacy for president with JFK Jr. by his side, while Elon is committed to draining the swamp and exposing the corruption that has long lingered in the shadows.

In this pivotal moment, we also have courageous allies in the media, including Gabor Maté, Jordan Peterson, Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, Archbishop Vigano, Iain McGilchrist, and C.S. Lewis—voices of reason and strength.

We must stand united in our advocacy for free speech and the influence of conservative media. Religious leaders, pastors, and clergy play a crucial role in this resurgence, reminding us of the profound significance of faith and community. Many are being called to explore the rabbit holes presented to them and seek the truth necessary for the masses and congregations to make better decisions for their families and society. Socialism is a deceptive ideology that can infiltrate a country rapidly and create serious problems for humanity. Take, for example, the feminist movement, which has an agenda to undermine the family by creating confusion around gender roles, ultimately leading to a sharp rise in single-parent households and smaller families. It's important to note that the feminist movement is just one of many agenda items in the Marxist playbook. There is a congressional record of the strategies devised by socialists to dismantle the Western world.

We are called to confront the principalities, powers, rulers, and spiritual enemies entrenched in high places. This struggle is not merely political; it is spiritual warfare. Through heartfelt prayers and the timeless words of the Psalms, we seek salvation and blessings against our adversaries. Let's approach the Bible with sincerity, guided by its wisdom. We have been forewarned about the lies and deceit surrounding us, so we must anchor ourselves in the profound truths of Scripture. We need to grieve our losses with purpose and re-engage in the fight; we have been too complacent for far too long.

Although it may sound cliché, remember that the truth will set you free. Don’t doubt it; it's still true. We will win this battle for our country, our families, and, ultimately, for our hearts and minds against the ideological struggle we are facing. We are at war, and we must all be aware of this reality. Prayerfully, we call on God to help us and show us what we need to do to win this ideological battle. As we attend to this struggle for the hearts and minds of humanity, we will be challenged to confront the realization that we have been deceived and misled for generations. Let us not forget that we have the Bible, which warns us about the world of the Devil. It's time to take the Word of God seriously.


An Ethical and Psychological Worldview, a Biographical Post