A Rabbit Hole

The Creativity Project(TCP) came about after my summer at a well-known photography school, where I hoped to learn more about the photographic process. Still, I also wanted to "find my voice" as an artist, which so many greats before me suggested I needed to do.

  I learned much about the camera and composition rules as the summer went along. I had my work critiqued many times by various professional photographers. I learned so much my brain hurt day after day. I became a better photographer for it and can now curate a body of work quite well. What didn't happen, for me anyway, was this thing called my voice. At the final meeting with an outstanding artist, an MFA graduate I respect very much stated that the creative process is still an apparition and they needed more work in that direction. The creative process is still a muse waiting.

  My desire in the months ahead is to attempt to discover what is in the writings of old and new, the best definition of creativity I can find. Then I hope to be able to connect the dots of the best descriptions, formulas, theories, and philosophies about the creative process I can find. Then consolidate those findings into an understandable format that I can apply to my own life and maybe yours for the sole purpose of becoming the artist/photographer that you/I set out to be. I might discover that the "magic" formula doesn't exist...or something else I haven't even considered will show itself. 

I will leave you now with a great quote from a respected philosopher of the last century that will give you an idea of where my studies have taken me and the tone of the findings. I won't give you the author's name yet. It's too early for that. 

"Creativity is the mystery of freedom."


Just Getting Warmed Up